DCS-AXT 重力式下稱重型噸袋秤 稱重平臺采用懸浮式設計,提高了包裝精度,更便于檢修維護。 設備主體采用全新的5-10mm鋼板激光鉚接拼裝工藝,強度更高,結構更穩定。 增加了自動漲袋系統,省去人工撐袋的工序,降低了勞動強度,提高了包裝的產量。 PLC自動控制除塵機構的動作,使包裝過程中沒有粉塵外溢,使工作環境更加環保。 中英文大尺寸觸摸屏,化繁為簡,操作更加簡單。
DCS-AXT Gravity Lower Weight Heavy Ton Bag Scale Weighing platform is designed as suspended to enhance the packaging precision, and convenient for check and maintenance as well. The equipment uses 5-10mm steel plate, and the laser & riveting assembly technology to make the structure more stable and ?rmer. Automatic blowing bag system avoids the manual operation and greatly increases production. Dust extraction is automatically controlled by PLC to guarantee no dust leaks ward, and make the working environment clean with good air. The touch screen has big size, and can display in Chinese or English. The operation is more convenient.